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CREDC Investor Profile: Doug Moody, WaferTech

The Business Case for Equity and Diversity

To be honest, when the Greater Portland 2020 plan began to focus on improving diversity and equity in our region, I had serious concerns.  Not because diversity and equity are not laudable goals, but for an economic developer, these things are often seen as added bonuses that fall more appropriately into the arena of social services.… Continue reading The Business Case for Equity and Diversity

CREDC Investor Profile: Ralph Parker, UL

Congratulations to Ralph Parker on his retirement!  From everyone at CREDC, thank you for your dedicated service to our community. Energy-efficient projects are just one of the ways UL is fulfilling their safety mission here at their Camas, WA location, which opened its doors in 1994.  Currently, their energy-efficient projects include replacing all exterior campus… Continue reading CREDC Investor Profile: Ralph Parker, UL

Celebrating Economic Development Week: Economic Growth vs Economic Development

By CREDC President, Mike Bomar As we wrap up the first annual IEDC Economic Development week, I thought it would be appropriate to reflect on my thoughts around the CREDC‘s purpose. Specifically, what it is that we do in this community to add value. I believe it’s critical, no matter what type of organization you… Continue reading Celebrating Economic Development Week: Economic Growth vs Economic Development

Think Big in Small Animal Health

By CREDC President, Mike Bomar I recently read a book called Town, Inc. (thank you Betsy Henning) that explored the value of focusing in on being great at one thing in a community.  In essence, the recommendation is to become the “worldwide capital of x.”  Afterwards, I thought a lot about what makes up our community: the… Continue reading Think Big in Small Animal Health

CREDC Investor Profile: Casey Wyckoff, LSW Architects

Meet our Board of Directors Vice Chair, Casey Wyckoff! Casey is Principal at LSW Architects and one of our esteemed investors. Take a look at his investor profile video to learn more about his company and his contributions to our community.

Building a 21st Century Makers Economy

By CREDC President, Mike Bomar Clark County’s strong past can help propel us into a healthy economic future; but not without our key initiatives in place Healthcare is to the 21st Century as the automobile was to the last one. Advancements in medical devices and pharmaceuticals, combined with our increased computational capacity, have launched an… Continue reading Building a 21st Century Makers Economy

CREDC Investor Profile: Greg Seifert, Biggs Insurance Services

Get used to change, because here it comes!

By CREDC President, Mike Bomar 2016 is off to a great start for the CREDC. While the current level of economic activity is exciting, we have several aggressive initiatives this year that will prepare our community to be successful in the years ahead. The first, our Employment Land Study, is already underway thanks to the… Continue reading Get used to change, because here it comes!

Defending our competitive advantages, pursuing new opportunities

By Mike Bomar, CREDC President It is an exciting time to be in Economic Development in Southwest Washington.  We currently enjoy strong partnerships between the public and private sectors, along with positive momentum and collaboration among the various business organizations that represent Clark County’s key industries.  Thanks to the excellent vision and strategic investments of… Continue reading Defending our competitive advantages, pursuing new opportunities