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Strategic Initiatives

In May 2024, the CREDC Board of Directors adopted the new strategic economic development plan for the next five years. The goals and vision of the plan are highlighted below.

Our VISION is for Clark County to be recognized as one of the most inclusive, healthy, and amenity-rich communities in the country. As a result, and with a continued focus on growing a diverse base of community-minded employers, talent (both inside and outside the region) sees greater opportunity here than anywhere else in the country.”

Goal 1 : Expand the Existing Base

The most efficient way to grow the economic base is to support existing companies by understanding their barriers to growth and supply chain needs. Staff and partners can then work to remove barriers and tactically recruit companies that support the existing industry base that is grounded in the following industry clusters.

    — Computer and Electronics
    Clean Tech
    Life Sciences
    Technology Enhanced Production

2018 Plan Objectives

    — Become Industry Experts
    — Strategically Market Industry Clusters
    — Build a Startup Ecosystem

2024 Supplemental Actions

    — Identify Emerging Industry Targets
    Overcome Infrastructure Hurdles to Site Readiness
    Streamline Permitting Processes, Timelines, and Code Alignment
    Engage Existing Business Base (for retention/expansion)
    Grow the Start-Up Ecosystem


Workplace office
Local festival

Goal 2 : Support People

To plan for a modern economy, communities must consciously foster a resilient economy that is derived from a diverse industry base and skilled workforce to weather negative economic cycles.  

2018 Plan Objectives 

   — Foster Skills Development
   — Prepare Youth for Economic Opportunity
   — Launch a Brain Gain Initiative
   — Promote an Ethical and Socially Just Society

2024 Supplemental Actions

    — Center standards of living as critical assets in talent retention
    Better Align Workforce Preparedness and Employment Opportunity
    Illuminate Career Pathways and Industry Linkages
    Connect Underrecognized Individuals to Opportunity
    Act Intentionally on Talent Engagement and Talent Attraction Strategies

Goal 3 : Create Place

It is important for each community in Clark County to define and actively grow as distinct communities. 

2018 Plan Objectives

    — Each Community Creates a Placemaking Strategy
    Embrace Economic Opportunity in Our Urban Center
    Tell the Story of Place
    Make Areas Desired by Industry Clusters Shovel-Ready
    Determine All Transportation Needs on a Regional Level

  2024 Supplemental Actions

   — Leverage Placemaking Investments
   — Encourage Infrastructure Investments that Cross Municipal Boundaries
   — Focus on Connecting Communities’ Transportation Ecosystems for Fluidity 
   — Celebrate and Market Quality of Life Amenities 

Columbia River Boardwalk


Join companies already leading the way to expand internship offerings and other career connected learning opportunities for students in partnership with local school districts. Build your future workforce and help students gain the critical skills they need to thrive.

Discover and embrace your unique qualities. Encourage new development of brew pubs, coffee shops, transit, bike lanes and housing to attract new talent to the area. 

Discover and embrace your unique qualities. Encourage new development of brew pubs, coffee shops, transit, bike lanes and housing to attract new talent to the area. 

Become an “ambassador” for Clark County. Find out why Clark County is a great place for business through the Community Performance Indicator with fast facts and messages to share.



Business Accelerator

Work directly with an experienced business coach and a cohort to address your strengths, weaknesses and opportunities to take your business to the next level. This program is focused on developing hands-on practical sessions for new entrepreneurs/innovators that focus on core areas of first-stage businesses

This is the photo

Lands for Jobs

The Employment Land Study identifies the industrial sites in the county that are ready for development and those in varying states of readiness – an important baseline to inform policymakers and service providers as they seek to respond to challenges to replenishing our inventory of sites for jobs.


Opportunity Zones

The City of Vancouver and the Columbia River Economic Development Council (CREDC) have collaborated on an investment prospectus to promote Vancouver’s four Opportunity Zones. Learn how our community, assets, partnerships, existing and upcoming opportunities, and resources make us competitive and an excellent investment choice.

Ready to begin?


805 Broadway St
Suite 412
Vancouver WA 98660

© 2024 Columbia River Economic Development Council