Get used to change, because here it comes!

Lake and Bridge

By CREDC President, Mike Bomar

2016 is off to a great start for the CREDC. While the current level of economic activity is exciting, we have several aggressive initiatives this year that will prepare our community to be successful in the years ahead. The first, our Employment Land Study, is already underway thanks to the commitments and contributions from our public sector and utility partners. The nature of site selection for significant job creators is extremely competitive. For Clark County to be successful in providing the opportunity our employers need to grow and locate here, we must work together to identify how to best preserve and prepare our significant employment sites for rapid and cost-effective development. The Employment Land Study, along with the ongoing leadership of our Lands for Jobs Committee, will help us get there. 

Economic Development is a team sport. The direct work of our organization depends heavily on public, private, non-profit, and education partners working together for a common goal. We are blessed to have committed leaders in each of these areas. Our second major initiative will be to highlight the great work of our partners in a series of short video clips. The goal of this effort is to help our stakeholders better understand each other and for the broader community to better understand the impact our leaders are having on the local and global economy, as well as our quality of place. Be sure to follow our social media streams to learn more about our partners. 

A third big lift this year will be the launch of our new Comprehensive Economic Development Plan for Clark County. Since 2011, the existing plan has guided our strategies and initiatives as an active and purpose-driven tool for our staff and partners.  We have accomplished much over the past five years. We must now look to the next five years and take the time to examine how our local economic makeup has changed, how the global economy has changed, and how we need to change in order to truly accelerate business growth and innovation in Clark County. 

Thanks to the ongoing generosity, engagement, and wisdom of our many partners, I am confident that we will look back on 2016 as the year Clark County came together and set us on a path for a healthy and strong economic future.