Provide leadership within the private and public sectors to ensure that investments and improvements are made in the physical infrastructure, amenities, policies, and regulations required to create, retain, grow, and attract the companies and the skilled workforce essential to Clark County’s long-term economic vitality.

Clark County Employment Land Study

The Employment Land Study identifies the industrial sites in the county that are ready for development and those in varying states of readiness – an important baseline to inform policymakers and service providers as they seek to respond to challenges to replenishing our inventory of sites for jobs. The target audiences for this project include policymakers and elected officials, business leaders and groups, local site selectors, and the public. 


Lands for Jobs Website

As part of the 2019 Lands For Jobs study update, the committee commissioned the website below to inform the project partners of the impacts of these barriers on site development, and to evaluate how the public sector can have a positive influence in the development of industries that support community goals. CREDC commissioned this website to understand regulation impacts and the impact of infrastructure availability throughout Clark County. This work is based on publicly available regional data sources and is not intended to be used to inform specific development decisions on sites. This data should not be used in lieu of site specific due diligence reports.


CREDC would like to especially thank our funding partners for making this valuable tool a reality.


805 Broadway St
Suite 412
Vancouver WA 98660

© 2024 Columbia River Economic Development Council