Non-contact infrared thermometers

Non-contact infrared thermometers

CREDC is partnering with the Greater Vancouver Chamber of Commerce and Vancouver Downtown Association to distribute non-contact infrared thermometers to more businesses—including expanded eligibility for sole proprietors. The thermometers are provided by FEMA in ongoing efforts to support the phased reopening of essential workplaces with a high degree of person-to-person interaction. We will be distributing thermometers over the next two weeks on a first-come, first-served basis while supplies last.


  • Must be a business with a high degree of person-to-person interaction in Clark County

  • Must provide a valid UBI number (at pickup time)

  • Must be a business with 50 or less employees, where employees are not exclusively family

  • Must not have previously received a thermometer from FEMA

  • Sole-Proprietors are eligible!

Pickup times/locations:
Eligible businesses can get one thermometer per individual or entity regardless of the number of businesses owned or represented. Note that supply is limited and will be handled on a first-come, first-served basis. Stop by during the noted timeframes at any of the locations below!  

  • TUESDAY, OCT. 6 & TUESDAY, OCT. 13 from 10am-3pm at the CREDC office located at 805 Broadway St. (4th floor) Vancouver, WA 98660

  • FRIDAY, OCT. 9 from 1-4pm inside of Main Street Floral located at 717 W Main St #118, Battle Ground, WA 98604

  • FRIDAY, OCT. 9 from 1-4pm at the Vancouver Downtown Association office located at 811 Main Street Vancouver, WA 98660