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Request for Proposals: Employment Land Study Update

Employment Land Study

The Columbia River Economic Development Council (“CREDC”) is seeking responses to this Request for Proposals (“RFP”) for the purpose of evaluating and selecting a consultant or team of consultants to provide an update to its 2016 Employment Land Study of Clark County, Washington (the “Land Study”). Responses to this RFP will be evaluated by a selection committee who will independently score each proposal based on the criteria set forth in this solicitation. Finalists with the highest aggregate score will be considered for interviews. Following interviews, the CREDC anticipates the selection committee will invite a finalist to enter into an agreement with CREDC to update the Land Study consistent with the requirements set forth in this RFP. Composite teams of individuals and/or firms may be formed to bring together the various disciplines necessary to provide the services described in this RFP. Having access to consultants with flexibility and various skill sets provides significant advantages and benefits. Firms of all sizes, depth, and capabilities are encouraged to submit proposals.

A. Background

CREDC is often the first point of contact for traded sector businesses looking to locate or expand in Clark County, Washington. The industrial/office/business park market segment is distinct from the commercial and residential markets. Not only is the price of land per square foot lower than for other segments, but these kind of businesses often have specific needs (e.g., access to rail, utilities, or freeway) and requirements that generally are not transferable from one site to another. While lands may be classified as “available,” environmental conditions, regulations, or infrastructure constraints may reduce the effective size, availability, or affordability of those lands for development.

In 2016, CREDC conducted an employment land study that identified employment sites and their varying state of readiness, which is an important baseline to inform policymakers and service providers as they respond to challenges replenishing the inventory of sites that support significant high-impact job density. The study, guided by a project advisory group and a consultant team, framed consensus on key definitions and industry-specific profiles. The study identified a total of 56 employment sites arranged in three tiers based on the estimated time needed to make each site development ready. The project also prepared a detailed development analysis that determined market opportunities and the economic impact for five sites from the inventory.

B. Specific requirements

The purpose of the project is to update and enhance CREDC’s existing employment land inventory work by building on terminology and consensus developed for the 2016 study (available at Specifically, the CREDC is looking to:

• Update inventory of employment sites: determine site-specific changes to development readiness, sites that should be removed from the inventory due to absorption or zone changes, and identify any new sites that should be added to the inventory within the tier structure.

• Quantify the total supply and readiness of large industry, business park, and office-industrial (excluding commercial) sites in Clark County, Washington.

• Analyze development of identified sites and update their tier rating (e.g., determine Tier III sites that have been developed, and former Tier I sites that have increased development readiness).

Report on jurisdictions’ initiatives to advance sites (e.g., capital improvement plans, policy development, etc.) by conducting stakeholder interviews and/or communicating directly with city and county planning and/or public works departments.

• Prepare recommendations that detail how sites could be made more attractive with further design, infrastructure investments, or regulatory amendments, as well as how public policy could inform investments to strategically plan and execute in order to yield best and earliest results, increasing the supply of development-ready sites.

• Identify strategies for aggregating sites with multiple owners.

• Consider sites otherwise development-ready or near development-ready yet located just outside of the Urban Growth Boundary, providing jurisdictions with strategic direction for UGB expansions.

• Pinpoint recommendations for highest and best uses for the Chelatchie Railroad.

• Provide a final report to inform the discussion on future tools and policies to maintain market-ready inventory of employment sites and provide information that can assist in future infrastructure planning, prioritization, and policy/regulatory rulemaking decisions.

• OPTIONAL (provide estimated fees per item)

o Deep dive analysis on select sites, including high and low intensity uses (2 layouts per site), infrastructure analysis, and economic benefit

analysis for each. Provide cost estimate per site.

o Utility gap analysis to determine infrastructure deficiencies surrounding employment sites throughout Clark County, Washington.

Funding for this project is expected come from multiple regional partners and the budget will depend on final scope of work and deliverables. Digital delivery of the final report is required and CREDC reserves the sole ownership rights of the deliverables.

C. Proposal Submission Requirements

Please prepare a proposal no longer than ten (10) pages that includes the following:

1. Executive Summary;

2. Proposed approach and timeline for delivering the services;

3. Experience and brief bio for proposed team members;

4. Experience working with regional companies or organizations to provide similar services requested in this document (include organization, name, title, phone, and email); and

5. Total cost including number of hours and hourly rate.

D. Selection Process

CREDC will evaluate and rank the overall strength of each proposal based on the following criteria and 100-point scale: (see PDF)

The CREDC reserves the right to:

• Require additional technical and pricing information

• Confer with respondents regarding all elements that comprise the respondent’s proposal

• Accept all, part, or none of any response

• Re-solicit for additional responses

A response may not be withdrawn or canceled for a period of 90 days following the submission deadline.

Respondents are expected to examine the instructions, specifications, terms, and conditions prior to submitting their response. Failure to do so will be at the respondent’s risk.

At CREDC’s request, respondents may be selected for in-person presentations.

All responses and related materials become property of CREDC.

CREDC reserves the right to reject any or all responses received.

E. Submission deadline and instructions

Proposals must be submitted electronically to Brittany Bagent at no later than COB on December 7, 2018. If you have any questions, please contact Brittany at the email above no later than November 30, 2018.